Gutsy Reboot for Gut Health:

Improve your gut health in a few weeks



Are bloating, gut issues, and endless food confusion leaving you feeling lost, frustrated, and betrayed by your own body? You're not alone. 

Most advice around nutrition out there is touted as a one-size-for-all that leaves people frustrated and defeated because it just doesn't work.  The problem is that you are unique and generic solutions simply won't do.

Imagine a different path: a path free from one-size-fits-all solutions, confusing food rules and endless "shoulds." A path where you reconnect with your body's natural wisdom and discover a personalized approach to food that nourishes you from the inside out.

The Gutsy Reboot is your invitation to break free and embrace YOU!

PLUS- the first 5 people to pre-purchase will automatically WIN a free 30 minute 1:1 laser coaching session with me.

Learn how to love your body and improve your gut health by doing what you're already doing- EATING.

Let's Get Gutsy

Say goodbye to life before :

❌ Bloating

❌ Constipation

❌ Diarrhea

❌ Food sensitivities

❌ Endless food noise and restriction

❌ Confusion around health advice, especially around nutrition

❌ Feeling unhappy in your skin

And say hello to life after 👏:

💫 Loss of bloating or discomfort after meals

💫 Smooth, easy and predictable digestion

💫 Effortless food choices

💫 Dropping weight naturally

💫 More energy

💫 Clarity to meet your bio-individual needs


This online program will give you the tools you need to...


  • Ditch the diet yo-yo: You'll move beyond restrictive plans and explore a sustainable approach that empowers you to make informed choices.
  • Discover your bio-individuality: There's no "one-size-fits-all" solution. I'll show you how to create a personalized eating plan that meets YOUR unique needs.
  • Reclaim your inner harmony: Learn powerful techniques to reconnect with your body's natural cues and silence the negative self-talk surrounding food.
  • Harness the power of food as medicine: We'll explore how food can address issues like inflammation, gut health, and even emotional well-being.


What's included:

  • 5 modules with video guides 
  • Eye-opening handouts and tools
  • Grocery lists, recipes, and more to make it plug and play
  • BONUSES: Guide on how to eat out while going through the diet challenge and how to befriend your food cravings
  • The first 5 people to pre-purchase WIN a FREE 30 minute laser coaching session with me.
  • Pre-sale ends on July 30th and prices will go up.

Past participants have found...

  • Connection, understanding, and appreciation of their body
  • Natural weight loss without effort
  • So much energy they took on new roles or started new businesses (this is not an exaggeration- when the body is freed up from inflammation, inspiration begins to flow!)
  • Food freedom: healing from sensitivities + truly being free to eat what they want without symptoms
Join now and enter to WIN

Complementary tools to support you on your journey


Vision Worksheet

Befriend Your Food Cravings Guide

Guide to Eating Out

Here's the truth that no one has been willing to tell you...

The food advice you've been given is flat out wrong.

It was designed for the masses, not for you, and following it is hurting you.

Following generic advice can leave you with nutrient insufficiencies and food sensitivities that are major contributors to low energy, hormonal imbalances, poor gut health, immune issues and more.

Join me, Christine Simons, DNP, on a powerful 5-week journey to revolutionize your relationship with food and unlock your body's potential for deep healing and vibrant well-being. 

It's time to move beyond fad diets and restriction, and embrace a personalized approach to nutrition that's as unique as you are. I will show you how to find out what foods you should (temporarily) avoid and what foods you need more of to go from feeling blah to feeling your best.

In this expert curated course you will learn:

✅ The root causes of gut health issues 

✅ A 5 step process to determine your body's unique needs using Functional Medicine principles

✅ How to determine what foods, supplements, and lifestyle changes you specifically need

[Hint- each person will come away with a different nutrition plan that reflects their distinct needs].



Following through with the [Gutsy Reboot] has been the best thing that I have ever done for my health and the most effective and fruitful commitment I have ever made to myself and my future. I anticipated having difficulty with the diet, and I worried that it might be difficult to find replacements that I genuinely enjoyed. I was wrong on both counts. I discovered very quickly that there is no food that I enjoy more than I enjoy feeling WELL. Within days, my entire body changed.  The bloating and painful stomach distention were gone, as were the nausea and food aversions. I had more energy and felt more connected to my body...I no longer agonize over the choices that I will make because I truly feel like the food I'm eating is working as medicine...For anyone with chronic gut issues, I truly believe there is no greater practice than this one.


I joined her Gutsy Reboot program and within the first few days my bloating and stomach issues were gone - was not expecting improvements so quickly! I love all the tools she provided, like recipes and menu plans. Definitely helped me prepare and keeps me on track.

I can tell Christine is passionate about getting to the root issues and helping people feel better. She's a great listener and does a great job explaining everything. In our few sessions so far she's not only helped me work on feeling physically better, but emotionally better as well. I'm excited to continue my journey with her.


Thanks to Christine’s support, the [Gutsy Reboot] became less daunting. Initially challenging to give up favorite foods, I soon noticed improvements like reduced neck tension and disappearing bloating by end of week 2 (which I didn’t even know I was bloated). By week three meal prepping felt effortless, thanks to the resources from Christine and Pinterest. Months later, I’ve adopted a Mediterranean-style diet and feel fantastic. Discovering that foods like eggs were causing issues was eye-opening. I’m grateful for feeling better, sleeping well, and dropping weight. It’s been a transformative journey, and I’m glad I took the leap.

Start the Gutsy Reboot Now

Hi, I'm Christine

And I have confession to make...

I used to think food was the enemy. Calories, carbs, fat– I was tried getting rid of the "bad" foods to have the body I wanted. Spoiler alert: it was a disaster. Bloated, tired, acne like I was a teenager again and feeling like a hollow shell. Turns out, waging war on "bad" foods was actually waging war on myself.

But here's the good news: I cracked the code, and let me tell you, it's not about restriction, it's about empowerment. I dug deep and went beyond my traditional training as a Nurse Practitioner, learned the secrets of health, and discovered how to nourish my body from the inside out. And now, I'm sharing this knowledge with you in the Gutsy Reboot.

My mission is to help every person feel so good in their body that they can't help but to live the life of their dreams.

Wellbeing is about unlocking the vibrant brilliance and magnetism within you. 

It's time to claim FREEDOM for your body + embrace the real you.

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