Free Toolkit

Portland Functional Medicine & Transformational Coaching


Go from Surviving to Thriving.

 It's time to kiss burnout goodbye 💋


Specialty Testing + Functional Medicine  + Aligned Solutions =

Natural Wellbeing and Limitless Potential

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 I empower burnt out individuals to reclaim their wellbeing + unlock their limitless potential 


Are you done with the merry go round of shame and blame because of the debilitating effects of stress, hormonal imbalance, and burnout?

It's hard to know what the root cause of our chronic diseases is, and even harder to find a solution once you do know. Millions of people are living with chronic diseases that they don't have to suffer from. These diseases can be caused by prolonged stress or trauma and hormonal imbalances.

As a Functional Medicine Nurse Practitioner, I use science and a systems biology approach to bring clarity & uncover solutions for your well-being so you can finally feel like your radiant self again.

Exhausted? Struggling with weight? Not feeling like yourself?

Is stress at the root of your body's dis-ease?

  • Assess your stress and find out your stress state
  • Learn about your body's natural super power
  • Understand 11 easy, at home techniques to uncover your body's natural healing power
  • Embody your best self

Go from burnt out to BRILLIANT with this free, research backed toolkit

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Specialty Testing

Get to the root of what is causing your symptoms. The right tests need to be ordered for you.

Functional Medicine Consulting

Get a customized action plan & accountability. I can help you get more results faster

Book A Clarity Call

Don't know where to start? Get personalized guidance for your uniqe health challenges.

Hi There! I'm Christine

I'm a Nurse Practitioner and the Founder of Vital Journey Wellness, and most importantly, I've been right where you are. I suffered chronic fatigue, bloating, and neck pain & just felt so miserable!

Being in the healthcare industry myself I knew something was off but I couldn’t get the testing I needed to get a straight answer to what the root problem was. I knew if I could figure that out I could heal myself. My primary care provider was not prepared to understand my testing needs I met with specialists and got nowhere fast! I kept getting worse and looked deeper for answers.

Finally, I found Functional Medicine and I pursued my education as a DNP,NP-C wholeheartedly. I learned how specialty testing and precision medicine get people real answers to find out exactly why our bodies create symptoms. I was finally able to understand what my body was saying. I learned to understand what it needed to heal itself, instead of pathologizing it and blaming it.

Now, I'll help you get to the root cause with testing and precision medicine so that you can get back to living & loving your life again!


Learn more

Wondering if the Functional Medicine approach is a good fit for you?


Get Clarity About How To Begin The Healing Process


STEP 1: Download your free Burnout to Brilliance Toolkit

Get practical valuable tools to implement now to get moving forward today. Get moving forward today by downloading the Burnout to Brilliant Toolkit below.

STEP 2: Book a FREE 15 Minute Clarity Call With Me

The biggest obstacle to overcome is knowing where to start. I can help you understand a good starting point by having a 15-minute conversation with you and applying my experience and expertise as a functional medicine practitioner.

STEP 3: Build A Customized Wellness Program That Is Right For You

If you would like to go forward and receive functional medicine consulting with me, we schedule a more thorough review after the clarity call. This helps me build an action plan that focuses on demystifying your unique situation and getting you real results as soon as possible.


Apply Now!

"Christine truly takes the time to listen and understand my health needs and goals. She also takes the time to explain her thoughts, and not rush me out  door. I really appreciate her insights."



"For several years I suffered from a chronic medical condition. I went to several specialists and no one could determine the cause of my issues. I was told I would just have to live with it. After working with Christine for just over a month my symptoms have already improved. So pleased with my progress. Finally I have hope for a complete recovery." 



"Christine is straightforward with her discussions and holds you accountable for your health... Christine did some very targeted testing and that provided her with the results to then recommend a protocol. Healing takes time and I recognize that it took a long time to get in the sad shape I was in, so my expectations were that it would take a long time to heal. Surprisingly, once we got on track with the protocol, the healing process began and although some days were smaller changes than others, overall I continued to feel that I was moving in the right direction. Today, I woke up feeling a new sense of energy that I haven't had in years. I had boundless energy all day, my food digested well and I didn't feel sluggish after I ate or get an energy sink in the afternoon.  I can't wait to experience how I will feel going forward. I would recommend Christine at Vital Journey Wellness without hesitation."




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Reclaim Your Health & Vitality!

All you have to do is fill out a quick get-to-know-you form and schedule your FREE call with me.

We'll talk about your situation and how that is affecting the quality of your life, your goals, and what the next best step may be to achieve your goals. 

Apply Now!