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Christine Simons, Functional Medicine, Covington WA, Wellness, Coaching

Hi! I’m Christine,

I’m honored to have you here.

If you are here, I’m betting there’s a good reason why.  You wonder what the heck is going on with your health.  You’re told you are “healthy” and everything is “normal” but you wake up everyday feeling otherwise.  Fatigue haunts your once bright eyes. Your digestion is unpredictable.  You dread climbing the scale seeing the rising number. Your monthly moon plagues you, leaving you paralyzed with pain. You hate that you don’t feel like you think you should.  Despite putting in the sweat, blood, and tears you feel worse for the wear. You’re afraid that this is never going to get better. 

And yet, here you are.

I trust that you are here because you are daring to hope that something could change. Daring to believe that one day you could feel connected and in love with your body.  That you could feel like yourself- bright, vibrant and energetic.  That you could feel confidence and inspiration flowing freely through your veins.  That you could know, truly know, what it is to feel WELL. You haven’t let go of the hope, however small, that you too, could experience deep, soulful living in a body that feels at ease. You dream that one day you could use your gifts and energy for things that truly inspire you– that career shift you’ve been holding in the back of your mind, that book you’ve been meaning to write, the art that’s dormant in your soul, that relationship you’ve been afraid to jump into.

I see you.  

And I get it. Because I’ve been there too. 

When I was in nursing school, I began having terrible neck pain and stomach issues with awful bloating.  I did everything I was told by my doctors, and, while they helped a little, things only continued to get worse.  I worked hard to do the “right” things to take care of my body. I was an avid runner. I counted calories. I cooked at home. Yet my spirit deflated- I had spent all this time investing in and understanding the body and how it works and I couldn’t help myself.  How was I supposed to help others? 

I started throwing spaghetti at the wall.  I overhauled my diet, got rid of gluten, ran, did fitness challenges- ANYTHING that might help.  This helped more than any medication to date but I still felt like crap. Not to mention it took so much time and energy to keep up. I kept putting on a smiling face so that no one could tell what I was going through on the inside. The physical burden combined with the psychological toll of a toxic relationship, crushing my mental health.  I hit rock bottom on a rainy day a few months before I was set to graduate with my doctorate. 

And it was this moment of utter brokenness and uncertainty that changed everything.

Driving home from grad school in the pouring rain, I thought about letting go of the wheel of my car.  Maybe this could all be over?  Inescapable anguish tormenting me.  My inner critic shouting loudly, “You can’t do this anymore. It hurts too much.  It’s not worth it. Nothing good is coming from this.” And in that same moment, I saw a vision of my future that I can’t adequately describe.  I saw the night sky littered with stars, sparkling and bright. Beckoning to me.  A voice, one so different from before, gentle and soft calling to me, “These are all the people you will touch. Don’t give up. Your impact will be immeasurable.” 

I bawled on that drive home.  And I didn’t let go.  I didn’t let go of the wheel.  I didn’t let go of my calling.  I didn’t let go of hope. I didn’t let go of the belief that I, tiny little me, mattered.

Everything changed after I didn’t let go of this seedling hope.  My life wildly transformed and catapulted me on a journey that changed my existence.  From my health and wellbeing, to my relationships, to my work.

Along the way, I graduated with my doctorate, got extra training in specialties like Functional Medicine, Palliative Care, and transformational coaching. I discovered the power of personalized holistic nutrition and lifestyle, somatic work, mindset, breathwork, and more to find deeper levels of healing while up-leveling my experience from a place of wholeness and soul. Ultimately, and most importantly, I let go of what everyone else was telling me to do and found exactly what my body needed. 

I launched my coaching and consulting practice in 2021 and am so fortunate to be empowering dozens to hundreds of others who were experiencing poor health and wellbeing to live more fully by tapping into their inner wisdom.  I started working with clients 1:1 and distilled these transformative and life changing experiences into an online course. Now it has become my life’s mission to help more individuals like you feel at home in their bodies by fully trusting themselves, living authentically and aligning with their body to experience wellbeing from the inside out

I trust you are here because you are one of my stars.  

You shine so brightly.  You deserve to be the beacon of light that you naturally are. 

If you feel called to learn more, I would love to help you find the health and wellbeing you deserve so that you can fully, wholeheartedly live a life you love. You can start by joining a special email series with curated tips and tools to transform and personalize your lifestyle to maximize your living.

Doctorate of Nursing Practice

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill


Bachelor of Science in Nursing

University of Portland


Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice Certificate

Institute of Functional Medicine


Mastery Method Certified Transformational Coach

Institute of Coaching Mastery


Family Medicine Board Certified Nurse Practitioner

American Academy of Nurse Practitioners


Licensed Nurse Practitioner

Washington + Oregon Boards of Nursing

2017- present

Certified real human, dog lover, gardener, wife, soon-to-be mom, cycle breaker, trauma informed



Want to learn more?

Check out this short video to learn about how Functional Medicine could make the difference for you.

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